Here, I have no idea what I want to do, other than speak to people. If anyone will ever see. I don't mind speaking to a void either. As long as it is not on instagram. I have spent years rambling on instagram. At first I thought people would respond back with their thoughts, but then I realized no one really has the time for that. I don't know why I would try and write on their for so long. For a time, I would have thoughts and message friends directly, but I felt like I had to keep them to myself, but I couldn't. I began making long winded writings on Instagram, thinking only a few people saw them anyways, and there was no one who would really care what I had to say. But even then as time grew by I would start to feel that instagram was the wrong platform to be talking about anything. I keep getting these urges to write more and more. I keep having urges to have other people see them, and hopefully someone would be able to think someting about it, and I'll finally get feedback on the way I think.